Jhoole is developing a symbiotic relationship with another nonprofit women’s empowerment organization, Womanspace, a unique organization based in Rockford, Illinois, that focuses on empowering women to become creative, confident, impactful leaders. In its 45-year history, it has touched the lives of over 40,000 people. Womanspace takes a holistic approach to fostering creativity, mindfulness, health and meaningful connection amongst women. Womanspace is situated on a beautiful, 7-acre campus with incredible gardens maintained by volunteers and one of the largest labyrinths in northern Illinois. Using its long history of positive local connections, Womanspace actively promotes volunteer opportunities and outreach, encouraging women to work with partner organizations to support those who may be struggling due to trauma, abuse, homelessness or poverty. Womanspace serves as a conduit for women to broaden their awareness, to find meaningful ways to develop and utilize their unique talents, to create positive change and to build a community of purpose. Womanspace actively encourages people to explore the connections between spiritual health and creative growth, between service and leadership, between social activism and personal transformation.
Jhoole is an ethical, nonprofit fashion social enterprise cooperative society based in Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh, India. Jhoole employs women to help them gain economic independence, invest in education and break the cycle of poverty in their community. Jhoole focuses on empowering women both financially, through employment and vocational training, and as individuals, through community programming in literacy, mindfulness, health and the creative arts.
Together, Womanspace and Jhoole artists have collaboratively designed "The Labyrinth Collection". Proceeds from this collection support both organizations in their common goal of helping women to reach their full potential as individuals and engaged citizens.